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Why you should outsource your IT and phone support

It can be a daunting thought when it comes to getting an IT company to look after your computers and phone systems. Not only is it an extra recurring cost to your business, but it also giving another entity access to your personal and valuable network, so it is understandable that some people may be put off using an external supplier. But the benefits far outweigh the cons in this scenario.

First of all, it is probably best we outline just what you get when you outsource your IT and phone support as some people just don’t know. At its core, an IT support provider helps to manage and maintain your phone and computer network and ensures your network uses the latest tech to keep it secure and running smoothly. While services differ from place to place, common support services are things such as:

So just what are the benefits to using an outside company to help you with your IT and phone systems? Well you’re in luck, because in this article we are going to go over exactly that.

Peace of mind

Your IT and phone systems are things that most of us take for granted, we just expect them to work, and it is surprising how much we rely on them to do just the simple daily tasks. That is until, disaster strikes, and these systems are down, costing you time and most importantly money. When you don’t have an experienced IT professional to help, panic sets in while you’re frantically trying all of the suggestions Google gives you to solve the problem. Having an experienced company to handle this situation calmly is the best way to get back online with minimal downtime, after all, it’s what we do for a living.

Cost saving

We all like to think we know enough about computers and IT systems, given the vast amount of information that is available on the internet. But the simple fact is, not everyone does. A well-seasoned IT company will know the best way to optimise your system to help you get the most bang for your buck. A standard process would be doing an audit of your current systems and finding out quick wins that will save you money in the short term, then once that is handled you can start to look at how to save more money in the long term. We recently carried out an Office 365 project for a client where we went through all inactive emails and got rid of what wasn’t needed anymore. This in turn has saved them over £600 a month, and over £7000 a year!


As a business, in whatever field you are in, it is your job to be the pros in that respective field. As your business grows, so does your IT and phone needs. Outsourcing your IT and telecoms means you can put all your focus into the things that make you money. An experienced IT company will enable you to work without being distracted and handle any issues that might crop up from time to time. This all means you and your employees can focus on your core service offering instead of wasting valuable time trying to self-fix any IT or phone issues that arise.

Made to scale

Every business needs to grow, it’s one of the key fundamentals of business. The more you grow, the more staff you need, the more staff you need, the more computers and phones you need. Fair enough at the start you might be able to manage this yourself, but there comes a point when all these computers and phones must work in harmony and talk to each other, if not set up right, you’re doing more harm than good. Outsourcing these set ups means everything is done right and set up to scale, meaning you bring on someone new, they can easily be plugged into your system and get underway with what you have hired them to do. Your IT company can handle all of this with ease.

As safe as you can be

The biggest threat to companies now as we work more and more online and from home, is Cyber security. Most hacks these days can happen without you even knowing, and by the time you find out, it’s too late, the damage is done. With Covid-19, employees working from home also pose a big risk to your network. Having an IT company on hand to make sure your security is as tight as can be ensures you can keep operating without the risk of a hacker gaining access to your network and make sure your staff are well trained to minimise your risks.

Upfront costs

If you want your own IT department, that is all good, but the up-front costs of doing so are massive. Using an outsourced provider means all those upfront costs are handled and the systems are already in place to plug into your business and start delivering results.

© Jack Royle, Tenacity, May 2021


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